A federally recognized 501(c)3 non-profit organization. Federal Tax I.D. 01-0730501

With Jacqualyn Palchak Cancer Fund, your tax-deductible donations will remain here, in our local community, benefiting your loved ones, friends and neighbors.  Our donations typically come from patients and their families, miscellaneous groups on behalf of the Fund, service groups such as the Arroyo Grande Lions Club, memorial donations and grants.

JPCF is a federally recognized 501(c)3 non-profit organization that is governed by a Board of Directors.

Donate effortlessly, safely and securely with your credit card, debit card or bank account using or send us an old-fashioned check to:

Jacqualyn Palchak Cancer Fund
P.O. Box 1614
Pismo Beach, CA 93448-1614

Thank you so much. JPCF is grateful for your gift.